Hello world.
Alongside making documentaries, I always wanted to be a campaigner for other people's films to share their incredible power with wider audiences. In 2011, the Scottish Documentary Institute offered me exactly that opportunity. What started as 16-month contract to become their 'producer of marketing and distribution' actually led to 38 months of fascinating work with wonderful people.
On the occasion of the International Documentary Film Festival in Amsterdam, I am delighted to announce I'm starting a new company, Film & Campaign Ltd., helping other people build campaigns around their projects (and, every now and then, making my own films).
Over the last three years, I've built up quite a bit of technical and strategic knowledge of a community organising system called NationBuilder. This has already allowed me to secure a number of launch clients and contribute to their powerful projects. I'd like to introduce you to them on this blog over the coming weeks.
If you have a minute, have a quick look around this website and you'll get a better idea of my new mission. Parts of the site are still work in progress, so let me know what works or doesn't work for you.
Thank you for joining me on this journey, and special thanks to Sonja and Noé at the Scottish Documentary Institute for their continuing support.
(Oh, and if you're at IDFA in Amsterdam just now and want to have chat, get in touch here.)
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