Website for Meridian Hill Pictures, Washington D.C.
- Client: Meridian Hill Pictures, Washington D.C.
- Job: Documentary release
- NationBuilder Architect: Ben Kempas, Film & Campaign
- Graphic design: Dan Sharkey, Dizzy Giant
- Domain:
Website for Film and Tell, Stockholm/Oslo
- Client: Film and Tell, Stockholm/Oslo
- Job: Mid-length documentary involving several NGO partners
- NationBuilder Architect: Ben Kempas, Film & Campaign
- Graphic design: based on a still by photographer Annika Falkuggla and the Verve theme
- Language versions: English and Swedish
- Website: archived version here
Website for Film and Tell, Stockholm/Oslo
- Client: Film and Tell, Stockholm/Oslo
- Job: Short documentary involving several NGO partners
- NationBuilder Architect: Ben Kempas, Film & Campaign
- Graphic design: combination of existing film artwork with the responsive Publish theme by cStreet
- Language versions: English, Swedish
- Domains: and
Website for Cycling Films, Edinburgh
- Client: Cycling Films, Edinburgh
- Job: Early audience engagement for high-profile feature-length project
- NationBuilder Architect: Ben Kempas, SDI Productions
- Graphic design: Joakim Karlsson
Domain: (no longer live, has been superseded by the Time Trial NationBuilder site)
Website for Friends of a Free Venezuela, Miami
- Client: Friends of a Free Venezuela, Miami
- Job: Campaign to release the imprisoned Venezuelan Opposition Leader
- NationBuilder Architect: Ben Kempas
- Graphic design: origin unknown
- Domain:
A Global Day with 350 community screenings in 50 countries
Case study: How do you get people to watch a film about a man dying of a rare disease?
A film that reminds us what it is to be alive
- Directors: Emma Davie, Morag McKinnon
- Producer: Sonja Henrici, SDI Productions
- Co-producer: Sigrid Dyekjær, Danish Documentary
- Producer of Marketing and Distribution: Ben Kempas
- Outreach Team: Rebecca Day, Demelza Kooij, Letizia Finizio
- Publicist: Alex Rowley, AR:PR
Read more
Website for SDI Productions, Edinburgh
- Client: Scottish Documentary Institute, Edinburgh
- Job: Release of thought-provoking experimental documentary
- NationBuilder Architect: Ben Kempas, SDI Productions
- Original Joomla build: Nic Wistreich, Netribution
- Graphic design: Jonas Hult, A Visual Affair
- Domain:
Crowdfunding through Distrify players
Case study: Development and application of innovative crowdfunding and donation tools inside a video player that can be embedded anywhere
A complete and flexible fundraising toolset
- Partners: Scottish Documentary Institute, Distrify
- Funding: Nesta R&D Scotland Fund
- Project leader: Ben Kempas
- Technology development: Peter Gerard
- Legal research and coordination: Stephen Green
As producer of marketing and distribution at the Scottish Documentary Institute and together with their technology partner Distrify, Ben successfully applied for Nesta funding for the development of a fundraising toolkit that
- can be universally embedded as part of a video player,
- features a sliding scale in an easy-to-use interface,
- offers incentives to partners,
- also works on mobile devices and tablets, and
- can be flexibly customised for at least five different use cases (see below).
Pre-existing crowdfunding intermediaries did not offer this functionality, were expensive and labour-intensive (for example, rewards needed to be handled manually). Their static widgets were designed to draw users to a portal and didn't invite instant interaction at the point of contact.
The Portable Fundraiser toolset was launched in several stages coinciding with the global release of the documentaries I AM BREATHING and FUTURE MY LOVE, preceded by extensive outreach work.
The five use cases are:
1. Sliding-scale donations
Before and after a film, supporters are invited to top up their purchase with a sliding-scale charitable donation to a related cause, acknowledging that issue-driven documentaries often leave people deeply moved and motivated to help.
Read moreThe Power of Documentary
At FILM & CAMPAIGN, we believe in the power of documentary film to spark conversations, ideas, and change.
We create unique campaign strategies for your films — grounded in our own background in documentary filmmaking and powered by innovative digital tools.
Our impact campaigns know no borders. We're a European team rooted in Scotland — and have worked with clients in 25 countries.
They keep coming back to us for:
Website for Opa Films / SDI Productions, Edinburgh
- Client: Opa Films / Scottish Documentary Institute
- Job: release of an award-winning creative documentary
- NationBuilder Architect: Ben Kempas, SDI Productions
- Graphic design: based on film artwork by Stephen Rasmussen
- Domain: